Museo della Resistenza di Valsaviore


The Museo della Resistenza di Valsaviore (Valsaviore Resistance Museum) presents the history of local resistance to German and fascist occupation in the Camonica Valley (Val Camonica) from 1943 to 1945. This notably includes the formation of the 54th Garibaldi Brigade in Valsaviore in October 1943, the group’s sabotage of a nearby hydroelectric station at Isola di Cedegolo in July 1944, and a subsequent retribution attack on the town of Cevo on July 3 in which more than 150 buildings were burned and more than 800 residents left homeless. The museum commemorates the attack, for which the Municipality of Cevo was awarded the Bronze Medal for Military Valour (Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor Militare) in 1992, and displays artifacts and documents which record the formation of local resistance. 


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Via Guglielmo Marconi, 38
25040 Cevo BS
