Egyptian National Military Museum
The National Military Museum is located at the north western area of the three Haram Palaces, inside the Cairo Citadel. It overlooks the Mokattam hills and the entrance to the Citadel. The Haram Palaces were originally constructed by Mohamed Ali Pasha in 1872. The museum was established in 1937 at the old building of the Egyptian Ministry of War in downtown Cairo. It was later moved to a temporary location in the Garden City district of Cairo. In November 1949 the museum was moved to the Haram Palace at the Cairo citadel. It has been renovated several times since, in 1982 and 1993.
The museum's halls include:
- Egyptian Military Glory Hall
- Egyptian Military customs Hall
- Egyptian Artillery Hall
- Armament Hall
- Pharaonic Militaria Hall
- Islamic Militaria Hall
- Ottoman and Mohamed Ali Pasha Militaria Hall
- 1948 Arab–Israeli War Hall
- 1956 Suez War Hall
- 1952 Revolution Hall
- 1967 War Hall
- 1973 War Hall (not detailed due to dedication of 6th of October Panorama as a museum to 1973 war)
- Egyptian Martyrs Hall
- Open area Hall
Area(s) of Focus
Entry type